Journey to the end of the year!!!

Another year beacons its beginning, and the one passing by, reinforces the stringent law of change. So many years that went by, I claimed to get wiser by each, but this one was really especial. This year grounded me to the harshest realities of life; and I am glad for it. 

Change the inevitable truth of life:
The year insinuated change at every unexpected and expected corner and along came the altercations, modifications and adjustments with it. The year showed that only thing that improves in itself while remaining constant is time. and everything else needs to avianise for betterment. Friends may turn to foes, betrayal may come from the most unexpected. Relations are never devoid of the ineludible change. 

Loneliness is the most cherished state of mind:
It came in as a conditioning, an adaptation; enjoying the company of ‘me’. I officially condemned the pigeonhole thinking of dating myself. I saw most movies alone, travelled alone, cooked for myself and dined the best delicacies alone. Where there was a part of me missing my beloved, there was another who said, cherish this time; for you inflict your happiness now and forever. 

Success teached once, Failure teaches everyday:
I tasted failure more than once this year, some were expected and some were a blow to my confidence. Rising sun, the very next day mustered and bolstered my strength. This year I saw my shortcomings from a rear view mirror, closer than they appear. This year made me plan, to avert the crash and burn. This year made me stronger, because I failed more than I succeeded. 

Finally, its your family and friends, who matter!
Along the life we gather many acquaintances; some we hold closer to heart and others pass by like read chapters of book. Some are recalled like verses from holy book, others are forgotten rhythm. We take take people for granted, we put in least efforts to keep in touch and still know they will be there when we chose to look back; they are our parents. They are the roots who hold us strong, they can see our tears, console us to hold the grounds and ensure that we are anchored well and that we will be able to survive the storms when we had to. 

Make every moment count:

I discerned this year, that time passes by and leaves behind the acquisitions in form of learnings, wisdom from experiences, which stay forever. The important part is that every moment is made worth its passing. “Our life is made up of time. Our days are measured in hours, our pay measured by those hours, our knowledge is measured by years. And yet time eventually runs out and you wonder in your heart of hearts if those seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years and decades were being spent the best way they possibly could.”
